Oh, Baby!

When I got the news that my adorable niece, Terri, was pregnant, I immediately started thinking about the shower. . .after I did my happy dance and some shoutin’, of course. And who better to help organize a baby shower than Terri’s sister, Carin, my equally gorgeous niece whose job includes event planning for the alumni association at Mizzou?

Terri and her husband, Matt, love to travel. They spent a summer  touring Australia and another living in Ireland. Last year they returned to Europe for a friend’s wedding. But, let’s just say their frequent flyer miles have come to a screeching halt been put on hold for a few  nine months.

Both Carin and I agreed that a travel theme would be appropriate, and since Terri is an elementary teacher and book lover, what could be a better starting point than Dr. Seuss’ Oh, the Places You’ll Go?


I began searching my own collection of vintage transportation items as well as glass serving pieces and then hit the flea markets for accessories. I found the perfect antique ship and a life preserver. Carin started the search for some vintage invitations and scored some cute party games and food tent labels to match. Here are some of the things we came up with:


A bunting made with old map pages, torn fabric streamers, and tissue paper attached to twine roping.


A welcome wreath for the front door made from a vintage frame covered with burlap, the flea market life preserver, and  the sign made from sailors’ rope and scrapbook paper saying, “AHOY! IT’S A BOY!


We made these napkins out of flannel lined fabric so that they could be used as burp cloths after the shower. The nautical rope and candy life preserver  saver tied in nicely with the travel theme, and the antique ship with rusty sails added to the vintage feel.


These miniature suitcases left at the baggage claim area for guests to pick up held the shower favors…tiny candy airplanes made from gum and lifesavers. The luggage tag attached to the suitcase announced the name of the baby and the ETA (expected time of arrival.)


An antique truck (in the background) held vegetables and dip, and a vintage Kraft train surrounded the punch bowl and guacamole dip and chips.  Decorated sugar cookies, candy dipped pretzels, and rocking horse suckers  played up the center display which included three different kinds of homemade cupcakes (recipes to come in a later post.)


I borrowed this old Radio Flyer wagon from my best friend. It carried around her children and now, her grandchildren, and it worked perfectly to add more “wheels” to the theme and hold the gifts that guests brought in.

A burlap bunting reinforcing our theme and a few vintage baby things, including a musical carriage that Saint brought to us in the hospital the day our daughter, Tiffany, was born, finished the gift area.


Carin did such a wonderful job with the hostess duties, making everyone feel welcome and instructing guests in playing the advice to the new mom game. (I told you she was gorgeous, didn’t I?) But, secretly, it was her daughter who stole the show.


It was a fun time, followed by a family cookout where the men were allowed. And here she is; the mother-to-be.

Yep! She’s just about ready to go! “Oh the Places They’ll Go!”