Low Carbin’

I wish I could tell you that reducing carbs and Splenda from my diet has resulted in a monumental weight loss. I can’t! In all fairness, I have not followed the prescriptive plan, and when I did that before, years ago, I lost weight substantially. I also wish I didn’t enjoy cooking and eating quite so much. I can’t! I wish I enjoyed exercise more at all. I don’t!

What I can say is that I have noticed fewer headaches and a lot less aches and pains in general as I have reduced the carb laden foods and Aspertame sweeteners.

One of the reasons I find the restrictions difficult is the lack of snacks and treats available. I mean, sometimes a girl just needs to grab a bag of crunchy chips or a bag of chocolate ones. (chips)

Last week I pinned a recipe for a sweet treat I thought I would try. I found it here:


I made them using these few ingredients plus a combination of sweeteners that I didn’t picture.


I softened 1/2 cup of Coconut Oil in the microwave. I didn’t want it totally liquid, just stirable.

Then I added 1/2 cup of Cocoa

1/4 cup of Coconut Sweetener plus a packet of hardwood Xylatol. I liked this combo for sweetening.

1/4 t. vanilla

A scant pinch of kosher salt.

I found it easy to mix all this if I rested the bowl in a pan of warm water.


You can taste and adjust the sweetness/saltiness at this point.

Next, I spooned a bit into these heart shaped molds I got to make fudge for our grand daughter, Carley, at Valentine’s day because she specifically requested fudge at Christmas and didn’t get it. She also hasn’t gotten it for Valentine’s Day…yet.


I just covered the bottom, and then I added a dab of peanut butter.


And finally, I spooned more chocolate over the top. And I sprinkled a few bits of sea salt on top.


These went into the frige for solidifying. And they popped right out of the mold into cute, little heart-shaped candies. This recipe made 12 good sized candies with a little leftover chocolate mix, to which I added a bit of peanut butter and swirled. And ate. As soon as it hardened immediately. From my lack of patience I learned an important lesson. This stuff is delicious! And you don’t have to waste spend time making pretty little cups. You could just mix up the chocolate, add some peanut butter, mix, and pour into a buttered bowl to harden. Yay!!

I have enjoyed one or two a day. They really help the deprivation. 🙂 And they have about a carb to a carb and a half each, depending upon size and according to my unscientific, mathematically challenged figures. Which may also contribute to my lack of weight loss. 😉
